Saturday, November 15, 2008

My favourite place to sit awhile ...Boccadasse

The lookout, boccadasse, genova, originally uploaded by - di.

I guess this photograph means far more to me than to anyone who just sees this ... there are 3 seats behind this wall and the sea directly below.

It's a beautiful place to sit awhile, to soak up the sun and blue skies, or to enjoy the warm breeze pushed ahead of a storm while the god rays beam down from a wind-blown cloud-filled sky.

I loved the graffiti too ... the plaque, the graffiti and the padlocks image to follow seem like conversations to me. Real people live here.


  1. The plaque says "Those who stay in the hearts of the living never die. Simo, you will always be with us".

  2. Grazie, Simon. I really appreciate the translation. I recognised the word heart and was curious. It's a beautiful spot to be remembered.
