Thursday, October 23, 2008

Out and About in Genova

a yertle the turtle moment, italy, originally uploaded by - di.

I was at the truly beautiful park at Nervi 2 days ago and was distracted by these turtle creatures in the pond. I had never seen them in the 'wild' before ...


  1. oh we've got tons of these little fellas around my parts. ever seen a snapping turtle? not as cute.

  2. Really? And snapping turtles?

    I have lived a small small life I think :)

  3. Di, you of all people have not lived a "small" life.

  4. Maybe not Simon but sometimes, with just one language, questionably spoken ;) it feels like I have lived a very small life.

  5. And then there is the fact I've never seen turtles, snapping turtles, squirrels or chipmunks in 'real life' ;)
