Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Cees Nooteboom, an extract

a picnic, in any language, originally uploaded by - di.

Language is always a puzzle because there is usually no convincing explanation of why things have the names they have, let alone why the very same things a thousand kilometres further away are called something quite different, but there is always something rather poignant about people looking at you and addressing you while you do not understand a word.

Suddenly the entire system has been sabotaged, what was designed for communication has become the opposite.

Cees Nooteboom, from Nomad's Hotel


  1. Morning, long time no see :)

    You read Cees Noteboom, good!
    Regards, Yvonne

  2. Goede avond, Yvonne :)

    I love Cees! And I'm sure we'll catch up on the fields of Flanders one day soon.

    I hope alles goed.
