Monday, June 16, 2008

Turkey on Rye (or meeting a Texan-based blogger visiting Istanbul)

I met some truly lovely people while I was out wandering and I haven't had time to blog of them yet.

I 'met' Mr Turkey on Rye quite some time ago. Reading his blog, I imagined he was wandering back home in New Zealand meanwhile he was writing retrospectively of his holiday there.

He forgave me my idiocy and we followed each others blogs for a while and then ... he did the almost unforgivable, he became a sometimes-blogger then appeared to hang up his blogging mitts - choosing the intensity of reality over this vastly interesting blog world.

Eventually I had to remove his stalled blog from my links list, unable to stand the disappointment of rocking up and finding he had forgotten his blogging duties ... she writes tongue-in-cheek, as we say back in New Zealand when we're teasing while trying to hide quiet laughter.

Twists of fates occasionally find Belgian-based kiwis in Istanbul city at the same time as Texan-based Turks flying home for business and things.

He had called by my blog before flying out and realised I was in Istanbul. We worked out we had one full day in the city together. We agreed we should meet and so we did, eventually ... after he talked me through his directions.

You see, there are 2 McDonalds in Taksim (and no, he wasn't referring to the Burger King near Taksim Square as I had imagined). And no, I wouldn't have recognised him either, due to the cap and sunglasses he was wearing in that photograph on his blog once.

We wandered through Taksim's back streets, looking for an elusive eatery finding a cafe with su borek and cay instead. It did just as well, and so it was, gently glowing (consuming vast quantities of liquid) in 30 celsius that we talked away his lunch break.

Thanks B.
Enjoy the rest of your time in that beautiful crazy incredible city.


  1. Hey WW :-)

    Thanks for the vibe - it was great meeting you in person. It's always nervous/anxious/exciting/exhilarating when the virtual becomes the real.

    Safe travels - you may just be pushing me back to writing more regularly.

  2. I hope you keep writing. I'm subtle huh.

    How was Istanbul last night with the win in the very final seconds?
