Thursday, June 19, 2008

even the washing is pretty in rome

even the washing is pretty in rome, originally uploaded by - di.


  1. Yes it is, love the colour of the house too. And the flag of course.
    See you

  2. That's what I love about southern Europe. The washing lines from the buildings :) I remember getting lost in some urine-semmling ally in Barcelona and twenty meters above ground, these two old ladies were exchanging a conversation while hanging up their wet clothes from their little balconies. I've been wanting tolive that way ever since.

  3. that is pretty. you've got such a great eye amiga

  4. Of course. I do believe I'm in love with the colours of Italy. Every time I arrive in Rome again, I realise it.

    I'm looking forward to you living that way, Manic. Of course, you'll be subject to visits by wandering kiwis lol but really, it's so good out there, isn't it?

    Gracias, Van.

  5. Was this in Trastevere? I took a similar shot that didn't come out well when I was there, so it's a joy to see you captured it so beautifully.

  6. It was Trastevere, v-grrrl. I turned round another corner and saw a guy up a ladder, following directions given by a woman on the ground about how to most artfully place the flowering vine round the window ...
