Friday, May 16, 2008

To- Do List before Rome

*Find wheeled suitcase with towing handle (hand-luggage size) check!
*Sort and process the 1000 wedding photographs ...
*Doctor's (check)
*Organise time for an ultra-sound and x-rays
*2 family photo sittings in Brussels on Sunday
*Photographs selected and downsized to Maleika for website
*Re-design work website pages following specific instructions from Ruth
*See Dominique in Dendermonde on Monday to catch up on 6 months of her in NZ
*See Lut and hear about her Turkish journey Saturday
*Research Rome for photographs and interviews (half-checked)
*Watch Gert do a 5km race on Saturday
*Work Tuesday - photograph a training day and make sure I have all my work ready to travel with me.
*Make sure everything is washed, charged and packed for Thursday's flight.
*Record and burn stories to cd for Miss 3.
*Leave the apartment really clean (an unexplained desire pre-traveling, possibily to do with a kind-of Catholic childhood and associated guilt.)


  1. Oh....Oh....Oh...

    I'm going to miss you. Will be thinking of you as you spin in the whirlwind.

  2. I have your postal address, I'm sure you'll get postcards :)

  3. Wish I could have joined you Di - it all sounds amazing.

    But seriously, I could use the break.

    I have the time and the resources, but no real travel partner
    (my s/o is into beach holidays only. We could go on a tropical vacation-near-the-sea, but I absolutely overdosed on those :-)

    The last time I saw Rome my parents came along, go figure.

    I'm thrilled just reading how much excitement awaits you in Rome!

  4. Hmmm, we could do Rome one day, Peter :) I love wandering.
