Saturday, April 05, 2008

And missing friends who have flown away.

V, originally uploaded by - di.


  1. Her going has been tough on all of us, Di. We truely miss her presence in this country. Did you notice how the gods have been crying over this teeny weeny marshland since she has departed us? They clearly miss her as well.

    Come back home, V. Come back!

  2. Hmmmm clearly the gods are too :)

    Hey, Shanti's coming back for a visit soon ... another party methinks.

  3. And now she's just down the road from you ...! Well, same continent anyway.

  4. Sigh.

    I feel the same.

    It's raining here too...

  5. You know Di and V, it's hard to believe that only a month ago we were laughing like there was no tomorrow during that Antwerp riverbank camera shoot-out.

    So much change in just one single month.
