Friday, January 04, 2008

This was the view from the front lawn of one of my favourite homes, Manic ... so different to where I live now.

Was he lucky to escape this?


  1. The question is would you have met him if you had bought one of those?

    I'm quite sure Gert would love it now.

  2. Di, I'd move back to that dream location any day, but not on my own ;-)

  3. She sighs. A big sigh. These are not photos to look at on a rainy gray Saturday in January when all beauty seems buried...

  4. It was okay alone but okay, I understand Peter :)

    They're not, are they v-grrrl. I get homesick whenever I go through my photo memories and next time I go home, I know exactly what needs photographing for when I'm back here.
    Sigh ...
