Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Manic sent me this Electoral Compass Quiz to check who I would vote for if I was American by answering various questions.

Seems I'm a Barack Obama girl ... as if I didn't know that.



  1. Di, does that mean we are going to see you soon on Youtube in a bathing suit like that other Obama girl?

  2. I don't usually post my political opinions for the world to 'attack' but I'll be honest, this American is voting for Hilary. :)

  3. I'm a Barack Obama girl too, which is weird.

  4. Yes Di, Obama Grrrls wear bikinis.

    Hillary Wenches get to wear sweatpants at home and black pants when out.

    Edwards Grrrls must have perfect hair, which rules me out.

  5. That would be a big 'in geen geval', Manic.

    I wouldn't attack ... each to our own :)

    You make a pretty Barack girl, furiousball.

    And V, you have perfectly beautiful hair so maybe he'd let you in if you wanted.

  6. This test must be bogus !
    It put me close to the Republican side :)
    Must be something in the Auckland water "darling".

    Update: Upon reflection it appears I disagree on only a few points but that's enough to leave me in no mans land.

    Typical :)

  7. Ah Claudia, you and I agree.. it was weird .. I came outEdwards and Hillary both?? which is how I basically started till Edwards started attacking her. Now I am completely Hillary!!

  8. Mark, get thee away from that side of the political spectrum ... ;)

    I've never been too interested in American elections before, ML but this time I'm curious to see how it pans out.
