Saturday, November 10, 2007

Blogging from the press center

Where things have been more than a little interesting.

Apparently that really was Canada's version of Brad Pitt I was photographing:
A truly lovely man.

Heading home from a long day full of amazing people.

Tot ziens from Passchendaele.


  1. Canada has its own Brad Pitt and you have photos? Don't be a tease, Di. Pony up the good stuff!

  2. Lol, sure.
    Tis done.

    You can read of him here:

  3. Aircraft carriers? Go ahead, I would love to see pictures of that, but be careful that you don't step to far back.

  4. It's only a whisper at the moment, less than an idea almost, but after hearing friend Martin talk of his time on one well, I'd really like to have a wee look :)
