Friday, June 15, 2007

Nothing ...

a poster of nothing, originally uploaded by - di.

I photographed a very ordinary poster then this happened in photoshop.

I'm still just playing on the edges of photoshop, preferring reality over creating a construction of something perfect however the software does this kind of crazy stuff too.

The copyright takes something from the effect but google image search comes to my blog quite often ... I presume people are searching for photographs and while I don't mind sharing, I didn't like reading that there are those who resell images to stock photography libraries ... and so it is that I copyright everything these days.


  1. A very wise decision. Basically, there is no other way to stop images harvesters.

    Q: How to Protect Your Pictures and Photos on the Internet
    A: It cannot be done

    Watermarking is the only realistic way to deter harvesters (it would take way too much time to remove the (c) notice)

    I also don't mind sharing, but since sharing often really means "abusing commercially" I watermark everything - at least it drives some traffic to my blog if Google images comes along.

    Di, one simple question: do you think I went overboard by using rather crude 72pt watermarks on my photographs?

    A friend told me he could hardly see what was on the actual image ;-)

  2. Hey Peter, I want to email you about this one. I'm racing out the door in a couple of minutes but will mail tonight I hope ... if not, write and remind me :)

