Tuesday, May 29, 2007

a hat in the crowd

a hat in the crowd, originally uploaded by - di.

this guy was a few people in front of me and my canon eos was wearing it's big telephoto lens ... i couldn't resist.


  1. Lovely colour Di - made me want to see his face tho :)

  2. Ahhh but then he would have been 'a bloke in the crowd' and he wasn't as extraordinary as his hat ...anyway, better to imagine the face ;) or so someone once told me.

  3. I wanna go to Jamaica man!

  4. better to imagine the face ;) or so someone once told me.

    Hmmm - tis true indeed. Obviously someone old and wise (or perhaps just old) :)

  5. Jamaica ... could be fun mon!

    Oh, come on Mark ... we can add a 'wise' to that. No doubts.
