Thursday, April 12, 2007

Found in Paris II

Found in Paris II, originally uploaded by - di.


  1. Paris by pictures...wonderful! I'll take the tour anytime.

    Life is full of stories, little ones and big ones. Like people, the little ones capture my heart.

    Meilleurs voeux!!

  2. Thank you for stopping by and commenting blue vicar! I wandered on over to your blog and really enjoyed what I found there ... even borrowed a quote I couldn't resist.

    Best wishes back to you :)

  3. The phrase devastatingly cute comes to mind... ;-)

  4. Oh she is Mathieu, which will assist her in her plans for world domination.

    Hey, Mathieu, you're almost married! :) I hope you're having a marvellous week with everything there for the occasion and that's things going to plan.
