Wednesday, April 18, 2007

About multi-tasking ... (or my inability to do so)

I'm adjusting, slowly but surely, to the rigorous rule of a 2-year-old ...

And she's discovering that I have my own rules that might not quite gell with her idea of how life should be lived but that there's room for negotiation. Meanwhile 'everything else' is waiting for me to return to it.

I've become rather good at writing lengthy 'to-do lists' and on the completion of anything on said list, I applaud myself as if I've just saved a small nation from the brink of destruction. Although there is the constant struggle keep track of the to-do lists and that complicates action ...

So today is about the attempt to write advertising for various outlets ... so varied in audience that my head spins simply from thinking of it.


  1. Poor Di. Advertising, I'm good at that. :D

    Di, New Zealand, watch it now, before she's going dow(n).

    Okay not great, not great, but you're hard to sell.:P

  2. Losing the to do list a terrible thing. I keep mine in a notebook so it's harder to misplace, but being a stellar overachiever in all things, I did manage to lose the entire freakin notebook once. Applause please! And next I'll save a small nation from ruin!

  3. Hmmm, if you work on your advertising jingles, perhaps I can find a place for you in my organisation ;)

    Hard to sell ... surely not.

  4. It's Di, Di, Dilicious Di, English papers have no more Ds.

    Does that work?

  5. That SO doesn't work.

    You need to work on your vowel sounds and kiwi-fy them. In my world, an 'e' sounds like an 'e' not an 'a' ... actually Manic, where were you getting your rhyme from???

    You don't have a Belgian accent in that jingle either ... ya plonker ;)

  6. Hmmm sorry v-grrrl, your comment got stuck in the system and I only just found it on my blog as opposed to it arriving in my inbox.

    Losing the notebook is special :) If mine went missing, I would have to find where little Miss Two is stashing her 'stuff'. When you hear her break into a run in the hall, it usually means she up to something that we might not approve of and is hurrying to hide something like the small key that she just locked the door with ...
