Tuesday, October 24, 2006


Houtlust is about nonprofit advertising and social campaigns. On the edge of marketing and activism.

Houtlust is the meetingplace about communication for all you folks of the advertising industry, good samaritans, grassroots, activists and social entrepreneurs.

Erkan posted a link to Houtlust's post to a Guerilla campaign from the French Médecins du Monde.

You thought France is one of the most civilized countries in the World? Last winter many homeless and poor elderly people died because of the cold.

In this guerilla campaign crucifixes are made from street poles with the text: “Every winter, hundreds of homeless die on the sidewalks. React Agency Euro RSCG C&O

1 comment:

  1. I remember reading your post on your Paris trip and then this made it so much more real.

    You have this image of Europe when you come from New Zealand amd I didn't imagine the French government allowing their elderly to conveniently die of the cold in the 21st century.
